Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Boycott Kim Kardashian

I was reading Perez Hilton today when I came across a story about a website called Boycott Kim Kardashian. Basically it wants you to sign a petition to boycott her and also stop supporting any of her products etc. I have to say that she has definitely been getting on my nerves lately. I'm tired of hearing about her and she just seems so fake! I mean really who has a $12 million wedding and then gets divorced 3 months later? It's just so mind boggling to me. That money could have been spent on way better things and it just seems like it was all a sham to get more publicity. How can a marriage fall apart that fast? And you're telling me you didn't realize you wanted different things before the wedding? I'm starting to rant here a bit but she really is famous for nothing other than the fact that she had a sex tape and was friends with other celebrities. Now she makes millions of dollars from all of these products and sponsorships but she doesn't even have any talent other than marketing herself well (which we all know is actually done by people behind the scenes that work for her). Everything about her is fake from her face to her body and her personality. Even her most famous 'ass'et seems to be fake. If you're going to get plastic surgery, at least admit it. No wonder regular girls have such low self esteem. They look up to celebrities like Kim and think 'why can't I look like her?'. Because you don't have thousands of dollars to blow on plastic surgery and other enhancements.

Clearly there has been a big backlash again Kim recently, but I will give credit where credit is due. She does lots of charity work which I can applaud her for. Even if it's done just for publicity, at least she is putting her fame to some good use.
Anyway that was my little rant about Kim Kardashian. I will say that I like Khloe though; she seems much more genuine. Who knows though. Very few people know what either of them are like in real life. What do you think about Kim?

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